This blog shares information on my experiences, findings and thoughts in learning a variety of technologies. I hope that posts published here will be of use to people.

They also serve some selfish purposes:

  • Firstly they aid my learning: If you see anything in my posts you think is wrong, please let me know as this will help correct my understanding and I can also update to ensure any information I’m sharing doesn’t misguide others.
  • Secondly they help me compose my thinking: By writing these blogs I hope to ensure my understanding is complete and well organised. It also helps my mental recall of what I’ve learnt.

Obviously any guidance provided here is followed at your own risk. I take no liability for any claims, losses, damages or other liability that may arise from following or in connection to the information shared here.

You can follow me on Twitter: jcmturner

You can find source code I have created on GitHub: jcmturner